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Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meeting is the governance meeting of the Council.  It happens on the second Wednesday of every month apart from August and December (although additional meetings may be called).  Every major decision that the council takes has to go through this meeting although the council can delegate matters to committees. 

The Parish Council and this meeting are run according to the council's Standing Orders and Financial Regulations which can be found in the Parish Council Documents section of the website. 

The Chair of the council or councillors also have the authority to call emergency or extraordinary meetings of the council to deal with key issues or situation which arise.

Members of the public and press are able to attend these meetings and speak within the public forum section of the agenda.

The majority of the meeting is open to public scrutiny however there is, under law, the facility to go into "confidential session".  This is generally only used when the council is discussing certain staffing matters, legal matters, tenders for contracts (although these are fully reported once awarded) and matters which might be prejudiced if information was in the public domain.  The council will always try to keep issues in this section to a minimum in order to provide transparency to the public.

The minutes and agendas for the Kessingland Parish Council committee meetings are listed in the box to the left, clicking on the individual date will open the minutes for you.  Only the Agenda for the next meeting is displayed.

Copies of minutes on this website do not have the Chairs signature on them in order that their signatures can not be used for improper purposes.  If you wish to see a signed copy of the minutes, these are available at the Council office.

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