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Parish Council Documents

IKey Parish Documents

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Councillor Code of Conduct

Council Policies

Communications Policy

Community Engagement Policy

Complaints Procedure

Co-Option Policy & Procedure

Data Protection Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

Disciplinary Policy & Procedure

Disciplinary Rules

Dispensation of Interests Procedure

Employee Code of Conduct

Equality Policy

Grant Policy

Grievance Policy & Procedures

Health & Safety Policy

Internal Controls Statement

Lone Worker Policy

Memorial Policy

Petty Cash Policy & Procedures

Public Participation in Council Video Policy

Reserves Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Social Distancing Policy

Training & Development Policy

Persistant & Vexatious Complainant Policy

Video Meetings Protocol

Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure

Youth Club Policies


Complaints & Grievance

Confidentiality & Data Protection

Diversity & Equal Opportunities

Health & Safety

Safeguarding Children & Young People

Council Structure & Committee Terms of Reference (ToRs)

Council Structure

Climate, Culture, Community & Development Committee (3CD) ToR

Emergency Plan Committee ToR

Events & Communications Committee ToR

Finance & Governance ToR

Leisure & Amenities Committee ToR

Personnel Committee (ToR)

Planning & HIghways Committee ToR

Seafront Improvement Sub-Committee ToR

Youth Sub-Committee ToR


Kessingland Neighbourhood Plan

Waveney Local Plan

ESC Supplementary Planning Documents

Affordable Housing

Historic Environment

Housing in Clusters & Small Scale Residential Development in the Countryside

Recreational Disturbance Allowance and Mitigation Strategy

Sustainable Construction

Kessingland Parish Council cannot do whatever it wants, the ways that councils run is determined by laws set by the UK Government which grant powers and duties dependent on the level of council.

Along with those legal requirements council's work to a collection of national documents, these include Council Standing Orders, Council Financial Regulations and Councillor Code of Conduct.   

  • Standing Orders deals with how the council is organised.  It also covers the structure of councils, how meetings are announced, run and recorded, how the  councillor code of conduct is managed, staffing, procurement, finance (summary), information management and data protection, relations with press and public etc.  Parts of Standing Orders can be amended on a council by council basis but there are sections in bold black typeface which cannot be changed.  Parish Councils adhere to the bulk of Standing Orders however most do not follow the rules of debate at meetings.  Parish and Town Council tend to work more collectively rather than on a 'for' or 'against' basis which the model Standing Orders are designed to facilitate.

  • Financial Regulations deal with council finances in more depth than Standing Orders and govern how the council budget, precepts, raises revenue and spends and how it accounts and reports all the council spending on an annual basis. These are also on the Council Financial Documents page with more information.

  • Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines which councillors are required to follow in office.  These have recently be subject to a national review by councils and the new version adopted by the majority of councils in England from parish to county and to more specialist councils like metropolitan councils.  The code of conduct also deals with the complaints procedure if someone feels that a councillor has not been acting in line with the code of conduct and the complaints process is not dealt with by the parish council.  Although it is not a requirement of the code, council staff generally adhere to the code however should there be any issues regarding staff then they are dealt with by the council


Aside from these overarching documents the council also have policies which it has adopted to ensure that it acts in the best interests of its community.  These will vary between the sort of policies most businesses have such as Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding, etc

Council policies, procedures and ToRs are generally adopted on an annual basis however there are several polices which have not been reviewed in a number of years and so the council has set up a Policy Working Group who will review policies during the council year to ensure that they they are fit for purpose or need amendments or re-writing.

Underlying all the policies are issues which the council has identified as critical such as climate change and this is considered in relation to policies  but also to all council decisions.

In regard to planning applications, the parish council is only a consultee.   As a consultee, the planning committee recommendations have to consider planning documents which can be national through to neighbourhood level.  Kessingland is fortunate to have been one of the first parishes Suffolk to adopt a Neighbourhood Plan which involved consultation across the community as well as a public referendum.  The Neighbourhood Plan has to be considered as a statutory planning document  and it also means that the village receive a higher rate of Community Infrastructure Levy. The policy which sites above the Neighbourhood Plan is the Local Plan which considers planning across the district.  There are some planning policies at county level however these are more concerned with major infrastructure projects and above all of this is the National Planning Framework.  The district council, as the planning authority also produce some supplementary planning documents to deal with specific issues such as affordability and sustainability.  These are also listed on the left however they will take you to the East Suffolk website.

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