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Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee was set up in 2020.  The main areas of its role are to manage the council's staff and ensure that the council meets its responsibilities as an employer.  The committee has two fixed meetings each year but also has ad-hoc meetings as required.  It also reviews any policies relating to staff or councillors and makes recommendations on them to F&G and Parish Council.  It does publish agendas and minutes however a lot of its work, as it relates to individuals, is dealt with in confidential sessions.  As of May 2021, it also considers council Health and Safety matters.

The councillors on this committee are: Cllr Caroline Carter (Vice-Chair), Cllr Chris Cook, Cllr Neil Glendinning (Chair), Cllr Ian Graham & Cllr Alan Green.

To read the Terms and Conditions of the Personnel Committee please click here.

The minutes and agendas for the Personnel  committee meetings are listed in the box to the left, clicking on the individual date will open the minutes for you.  Only the Agenda for the next meeting is displayed.


Copies of minutes on this website do not have the Chairs signature on them in order that their signatures can not be used for improper purposes.  If you wish to see a signed copy of the minutes, these are available at the Council office.

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